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  The dynamic environment experienced by spacecraft in the active phase of launch vehicle flight mainly includes vibration, noise and impact. The vibration response aroused by them may cause structural damage, local instability and fracture of bearing parts; Components sensitive to vibration, such as gyroscope, momentum wheel, initiating explosive devices, conduit, electronic components and some electronic equipment, may cause index drift, work failure and other faults. Structures with high structural coefficient will produce acoustic and vibration responses up to dozens of G root mean square values. The use of force control in vibration test is to measure and control the excitation force between the test piece and the table fixture during the test, realize the closed-loop control between the signal source, power amplifier and the output of the shaking table, and produce "force control spectrum". Theory and practice have proved that the force controlled vibration test can eliminate the "over testing" caused by the acceleration envelope specification in the low frequency band, and make the environmental test closer to the real flight load conditions in the active phase. When the traditional acceleration control specification is used for spacecraft vibration test, at the low-order natural frequency of spacecraft structure, the table impedance will tend to be infinite, and the interface force between spacecraft structure and shaking table may reach a very dangerous value, sometimes thousands of times of the normal response value, so as to damage the structure, The vibration resistance of aerospace equipment is very important.
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